Exness a broker that damaged my operation it from the beginning. Page 3 Forex Peace Army - Your Fore

Exness a broker that damaged my operation it from the beginning.

@tomassantos I meant the screenshot of the invite company tool that is imbedded in each scam alert thread. Only the OP or forum moderators have access to this tool.


Private, 1st Class.

they from the beginning have been excused to blame me, and have fallen into their own trap to present a server vps of them where the problem persists, however I write back to tell them that the problem is still on their servers and have not answered, I demand the total refund of deposits in this company $ 150 USD that scam, do not deposit in it.

Gracias por contactar con el equipo de reclamaciones de Exness,

Hemos revisado las posiciones en la cuenta con número 777436 desde el 14 de Enero de 2019 hasta el 17 de Enero de 2019. Los resultados son los siguientes.

Por favor, le informamos de que el servidor Exness-MT5 Real estaba funcionando sin ningún problema, ya que muchos otros clientes estaban conectados y pudieron abrir, modificar y cerrar posiciones de manera satisfactoria durante el periodo que hemos mencionado.

Además, todas las recepciones del comando de ejecuciones para abrir las ordenes mencionadas anteriormente desde su terminal han sido ejecutadas satisfactoriamente. Por favor, encuentre debajo un fragmento del archivo de registro del servidor que representa la satisfactoria recepcion y ejecución del comando de apertura enviado:

2019.01.14 16:13:33.064 '3047910': market buy 0.02 USDJPYm tp: 108.345 (108.241/108.255) 2019.01.14 16:13:33.106 '3047910': deal performed [ #2057584 buy 0.02 USDJPYm at 108.255] 2019.01.14 16:13:33.064 '3047910': order performed buy 0.02 at 108.255 [ #2341818 buy 0.02 USDJPYm at market], time 44.32ms.

2019.01.14 16:32:54.468 3047910': market sell 0.02 USDJPYm close #2342253 buy 0.02 USDJPYm 108.244 (108.264 / 108.276) 2019.01.14 16:13:33.106 '3047910': deal performed [ #2058120 sell 0.02 USDJPYm at 108.264] 2019.01.14 16:13:33.064 '3047910': order performed sell 0.02 at 108.264 [ #2342357 sell 0.02 USDJPYm at market], time 6.88ms.

Sin embargo, a la vez, hemos encontrado que hubieron varios intentos de conectarse con un mejor punto de acceso desde su plataforma para mejorar su estabilidad en la conexión. Aqui estan los detalles tomados de los archivos de registro de su plataforma:

OF 0 10:50:23.169 Network '3047910': connecting to an access point with 49 % quality (previous: 57 %) KR 0 10:50:23.169 Network '3047910': disconnected from Exness-MT5Real JH 0 10:50:25.187 Network '3047910': authorized on Exness-MT5Real through Access Point #2 (ping: 303.47 ms) CF 0 10:50:25.188 Network '3047910': previous successful authorization performed from on 2019.01.15 13:46:09 QH 0 10:52:03.994 Network '3047910': connecting to an access point with 57 % quality (previous: 49 %) MD 0 10:52:03.994 Network '3047910': disconnected from Exness-MT5Real HR 0 10:52:05.558 Network '3047910': authorized on Exness-MT5Real through Access Point #1 (ping: 254.96 ms) OO 0 10:52:05.558 Network '3047910': previous successful authorization performed from on 2019.01.15 13:50:21.

Nosotros entendemos que el problema pudo haberse causado por la inestabilidad de su conexión a internet. Por favor, sea informado de que la conexión Wifi o internet por cable son los más fiables, mientras que el internet del movil (4G, 3G, edge) es tomado en comparación como mucho menos fiable.

Es aconsejable que el cliente cambie el tipo de conexión para intentar mejorar asi la calidad de la conexión.

Teniendo todo lo contado en consideración, se ha tomado la decisión de dejar los resultados de las órdenes en cuestión sin cambios.

Esta decisión esta basada en las clausulas 1.1, 1.3, y 1.4 de Exness Client agreement (Parte C) : https://www.exness.com/media/files/documents/vc/client agreement en.pdf , en donde dichas condiciones han sido aceptadas por todos nuestros clientes al abrir una cuenta con Exness:

1.1 El cliente es totalmente responsable de proveer y mantener el equipamiento necesario para acceder y utilizar la plataforma de comercio, lo que incluye al menos un ordenador personal, acceso a internet, telefono u otros accesos en linia. El rendimiento del acceso a internet es esencial y el cliente debe ser responsable de todos los pagos necesarios para su conexión a internet.

1.3 La compañia no se hará responsable por los problemas ocurridos al ordenador del cliente, ya sea un fallo del sistema, daños, destrucción y/o formateo de sus datos y archivos. Además, si el cliente incurre en demoras y en otros problemas de integridad de los datos como resultado de su configuració de hardware o mala administración, la compañia no se hará responsable.

1.4 La compañia no se hará responsable por interrupciones, demoras u otros problemas en cualquier comunicación experimentada por el cliente utilizando la plataforma de comercio.

A parte de ello, sugerimos utilizar la VPS de Exness que asegura una conexión estable. Aqui le dejamos los detalles para pedir nuestra VPS gratuita: https://www.exness.com/tools/vps-hosting/

Si usted tiene alguna otra pregunta, por favor no dude en contactarnos.

Thank you for contacting Exness Complaints Team.

We have reviewed the positions on the trading account 777436 from 14 January 2019 till 17 January 2019. The results are as follows.

Please be informed that trading server Exness-MT5 Real was working without issue as many other clients were connected to it and could successfully open, modify, and close trading positions during the afore-mentioned period of time.

Moreover, all the receipt of execution command to open for the above-mentioned orders from your trading terminal has been executed successfully. Please find below a fragment of the server log file that represents the successful receipt and execution of open command sent :

2019.01.14 16:13:33.064 '3047910': market buy 0.02 USDJPYm tp: 108.345 (108.241/108.255) 2019.01.14 16:13:33.106 '3047910': deal performed [ #2057584 buy 0.02 USDJPYm at 108.255] 2019.01.14 16:13:33.064 '3047910': order performed buy 0.02 at 108.255 [ #2341818 buy 0.02 USDJPYm at market], time 44.32ms.

2019.01.14 16:32:54.468 3047910': market sell 0.02 USDJPYm close #2342253 buy 0.02 USDJPYm 108.244 (108.264 / 108.276) 2019.01.14 16:13:33.106 '3047910': deal performed [ #2058120 sell 0.02 USDJPYm at 108.264] 2019.01.14 16:13:33.064 '3047910': order performed sell 0.02 at 108.264 [ #2342357 sell 0.02 USDJPYm at market], time 6.88ms.

However, at the same time, we found out there were several attempts made to connect with better access point from your platform enhancing stable connection. here are the details taken from your platform logfile :

OF 0 10:50:23.169 Network '3047910': connecting to an access point with 49 % quality (previous: 57 %) KR 0 10:50:23.169 Network '3047910': disconnected from Exness-MT5Real JH 0 10:50:25.187 Network '3047910': authorized on Exness-MT5Real through Access Point #2 (ping: 303.47 ms) CF 0 10:50:25.188 Network '3047910': previous successful authorization performed from on 2019.01.15 13:46:09 QH 0 10:52:03.994 Network '3047910': connecting to an access point with 57 % quality (previous: 49 %) MD 0 10:52:03.994 Network '3047910': disconnected from Exness-MT5Real HR 0 10:52:05.558 Network '3047910': authorized on Exness-MT5Real through Access Point #1 (ping: 254.96 ms) OO 0 10:52:05.558 Network '3047910': previous successful authorization performed from on 2019.01.15 13:50:21.

We understand that the issue in question may have been caused by the instability of your Internet connection. Please be informed that Wi-Fi or wired Internet is generally considered to be the most reliable, whereas mobile Internet (4G, 3G, edge) is regarded as comparatively less reliable.

It is advisable that the client change the type on Internet connection to improve the connection quality.

Taking everything into consideration, the decision has been made to leave the results of the orders in questions unchanged.

The decision is based on clauses 1.1, 1.3, and 1.4 of Exness Client agreement (Part C) : https://www.exness.com/media/files/documents/vc/client agreement en.pdf , whose conditions have been accepted by every client upon creating an account with Exness:

1.1 The Client is solely responsible for providing and maintaining the compatible equipment necessary to access and use the Trading Platform, which includes at least a personal computer, Internet access by any means and telephone or other access line. Access to the Internet is an essential feature and the Client shall be solely responsible for any fees necessary in order to connect to the Internet.

1.3 The Company will not be liable to the Client should his computer system fail, damage, destroy and/or format his records and data. Furthermore, if the Client incurs delays and any other form of data integrity problems that are a result of his hardware configuration or mismanagement, the Company shall not be liable.

1.4 The Company will not be liable for any such disruptions or delays or problem in any communication experienced by the Client when using the Trading Platform.

Apart from it, we suggest to use Exness VPS that ensure stable connection. Here are the details to apply our Free VPS hosting : https://www.exness.com/tools/vps-hosting/

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Jordi Verdeguer Cuevas Exness | Support Team E-mail: support@exness.com Phone: +357 25 030 959.

Gracias por contactar con Exness,Sentimos mucho que el problema siga persistiendo. Por este motivo, vamos a intentar ayudarle de una manera excepcional: le vamos a ofrecer nuestra VPS, sin que sea necesario cumplir con los requerimientos. De esta manera, podremos ver si el problema persiste, o se puede solucionar de esta manera.

Por lo tanto, le pedimos por favor que, una vez trate de abrir ordenes utilizando nuestra VPS, nos comunique si el error persiste, o se ha solucionado. Si el error persiste, le pedimos por favor que nos envie capturas de pantalla, o si fuera posible, video de lo que ocurre, para asi poder entender mejor su caso. Realmente recomendamos realizar video, mejor que las capturas de pantalla.

Aqui puede encontrar los datos de autorizacion para su cuenta 3047910 VPS: Login: IP:

Nombre de usuario:

Chequee nuestra pagina web https://www.exness.com/intl/es/library/instructions/vps/ para encontrar instrucciones de come conectar el escritorio a distancia.

Para otro tipo de reclamaciones, no dude en contactarnos. Una vez mas, sentimos mucho las molestias que le podamos estar causando.

Atentamente Jordi Verdeguer Cuevas Exness | Support Team E-mail: support@exness.com Phone: +357 25 030 959 .

Jordi, han cerrado la plataforma desde el servidor vps pero he capturado el problema exponiendo que el problema proviene desde uds, Como han sido espuestos desde un principio se han escusado en culparme a mi y mi internet, han caido en su propia trampa al presentarme un servidor vps de exness en donde el problema persiste, sin embargo les escribo de vuelta para decirles que el problema sigue en sus servidores y no han respondido, exijo la devolución total de los depósitos en esta compañía $150 USD su broker es una estafa, hare lo posible para que no depositen en ella.

they from the beginning have been excused to blame me, and have fallen into their own trap to present a server vps of them where the problem persists, however I write back to tell them that the problem is still on their servers and have not answered, I demand the total refund of deposits in this company $ 150 USD that scam, do not deposit in it.



Private, 1st Class.


Private, 1st Class.

watch how the prices remain frozen in the o perations panel from the same exness servers, they blame me for my internet, here is the proof that they boikot my operations preventing tralings stoops and updating the live account as it did not reflect no price updates or levels of margin and equity, being a difficulty that made me lose $ 150 usd, I wish they can spread and return money.


Private, 1st Class.

watch how the prices remain frozen in the operations panel from the same exness servers, they blame me for my internet, here is the proof that they boikot my operations preventing tralings stoops and updating the live account as it did not reflect no price updates or levels of margin and equity, being a difficulty that made me lose $ 150 usd, I wish they can spread and return money.


2nd Lieutenant.

This is good. I highly recommend continuing to record your screen.

If you don't trust the broker too much, I recommend switching brokers. Or at least stop using the offending broker.


Private, 1st Class.

Chat started on 04 Feb 2019, 03:38 PM (GMT+0) (03:38:51) *** Enzo Oyanedel Mancilla joined the chat *** (03:38:51) Enzo Oyanedel Mancilla: hi (03:38:57) *** Abdujalilkhon Manonov joined the chat *** (03:39:02) Abdujalilkhon Manonov: Hello my name is Jalil Manonov. Thank you for contacting Exness. How may I assist you? (03:42:08) Abdujalilkhon Manonov: Are we still connected ? (03:42:11) Enzo Oyanedel Mancilla: Hi, I need to locate Jordi Verdeguer Cuevas Exness | Support team (03:42:14) Enzo Oyanedel Mancilla: please (03:42:26) Abdujalilkhon Manonov: He is not available at the moment, Sir. (03:42:34) Abdujalilkhon Manonov: Is there anything I can help you with? (03:43:11) Enzo Oyanedel Mancilla: Yes, I need you to be able to respond because you have not returned money by mistake in account (03:43:19) Enzo Oyanedel Mancilla: account. (03:43:20) Enzo Oyanedel Mancilla: 3047910 (03:43:31) Enzo Oyanedel Mancilla: phone password N/A (03:43:42) Enzo Oyanedel Mancilla: https://www.forexpeacearmy.com/comm. t-from-the-beginning.58843/page-3#post-331337 (03:43:48) Abdujalilkhon Manonov: Could you please clarify your question in more details? (03:44:20) Enzo Oyanedel Mancilla: I need you to see my case, I have a pending case with you that Jordi was solving (03:44:42) Abdujalilkhon Manonov: Wait for a while, please. (03:45:09) Enzo Oyanedel Mancilla: you have given me an exs vps server and the problem is reflected in this vps anyway, I demand my money back (03:45:39) Abdujalilkhon Manonov: Let me check your case, give me please few minutes. (03:46:17) Enzo Oyanedel Mancilla: https://vimeo.com/user94689969/review/315250942/f6f7c69d6f (03:46:29) Enzo Oyanedel Mancilla: check the video and check frozen panel (03:47:07) Abdujalilkhon Manonov: Thank you for waiting. (03:47:41) Abdujalilkhon Manonov: I have just opened your case, it is still processing by our specialist, once we have received the answer from them, we will email you Sir. (03:48:57) Abdujalilkhon Manonov: Is there any thing else i can assist you with other than this? (03:49:33) Enzo Oyanedel Mancilla: sir (03:49:41) Enzo Oyanedel Mancilla: i wait more day (03:49:50) Enzo Oyanedel Mancilla: please send me code for case (03:49:58) Enzo Oyanedel Mancilla: I am outraged because I asked for help at first I lost $ 150 USD, I demand that money back because I always asked for help to solve the problem and you laughed at me, they denied me, they lied to me, they never gave a solution and they closed the case blaming me and my internet , now I have proof that the root problem is generated by you, I demand return, I will demand all the means and instances to demand that I demand justice (03:51:48) Abdujalilkhon Manonov: Sir, this is your case number 02533444, please note it is still processing, provide us some time to investigate your issue. (03:52:25) Enzo Oyanedel Mancilla: ok thanks i hope money back (03:52:25) Enzo Oyanedel Mancilla: thanks (03:53:01) Abdujalilkhon Manonov: Do you have any other questions I could help you with? (03:53:54) Enzo Oyanedel Mancilla: no thanks (03:54:00) Abdujalilkhon Manonov: Thanks for contacting Exness Today! We hope we've answered your questions. If you need any further help, you can get in touch with us directly or visit our Help Center https://help.exness.com/hc/en-us where you’ll find lots of useful how-to guides and troubleshooting solutions. Have a great trading day!


Private, 1st Class.

Chat started on 05 Feb 2019, 02:00 PM (GMT+0) (02:00:52) *** Enzo Oyanedel Mancilla joined the chat *** (02:00:52) Enzo Oyanedel Mancilla: hi (02:00:56) *** Alireza Rezaei joined the chat *** (02:01:03) Alireza Rezaei: Hello, my name is Alireza Rezaei. Thank you for contacting Exness. How may I assist you? (02:01:07) Enzo Oyanedel Mancilla: Hi, I need to locate Jordi Verdeguer Cuevas Exness | (02:01:49) Alireza Rezaei: Kindly note that Jordi is not here now. You can contact us tomorrow. (02:01:59) Enzo Oyanedel Mancilla: ok pleased (02:02:07) Alireza Rezaei: Is there any other question I can assist you with? (02:02:29) Enzo Oyanedel Mancilla: I need to know case number 02533444 (02:02:36) Alireza Rezaei: Alright. (02:02:39) Alireza Rezaei: Would you be so kind as to tell me your phone password (secret word)? (02:02:59) Enzo Oyanedel Mancilla: (N/A) (02:03:01) Enzo Oyanedel Mancilla: I have been waiting for an answer for days, return of my money deposited in this company (02:03:25) Alireza Rezaei: Please note that your case is in our Complaints department. (02:03:53) Alireza Rezaei: Once they check and reply , we will inform you sir. (02:04:55) Enzo Oyanedel Mancilla: yes but it has never given me an answer, jordi who took my case, when I showed him that the problem came from you, that from the same server vps from you failed the frozen mt5 platform, he did not answer me anymore, being that we had communication every day Do you understand what I say? (02:05:47) Alireza Rezaei: Please wait. (02:07:52) Alireza Rezaei: I checked sir. (02:08:03) Alireza Rezaei: Kindly wait until our specialist check it. (02:08:13) Alireza Rezaei: We will inform you once they answer us. (02:09:22) Alireza Rezaei: Is there any other question I can assist you with? (02:10:05) Enzo Oyanedel Mancilla: I want to make clear, that as long as they do not return the money deposited in this broker, I will report this fact in all entities that are necessary, since the response time and the denial of the help service has been negligent and irresponsible, the amount of return It is $ 150 USD, which makes clear that in claim request. (02:10:26) Enzo Oyanedel Mancilla: thanks in the case (02:10:30) Enzo Oyanedel Mancilla: 02533444 (02:10:47) Alireza Rezaei: i understand your concern sir. (02:10:57) Alireza Rezaei: Please let us check and let you know the result via email. (02:11:06) Enzo Oyanedel Mancilla: ok (02:11:45) Alireza Rezaei: Is there any other question I can assist you with? (02:14:08) Enzo Oyanedel Mancilla: no thanks (02:14:31) Alireza Rezaei: Thanks for contacting Exness Today! We hope we've answered your questions. If you need any further help, you can get in touch with us directly or visit our Help Center https://help.exness.com/hc/en-us where you’ll find lots of useful how-to guides and troubleshooting solutions. Have a great trading day! (02:14:34) *** Alireza Rezaei left the chat *** (02:21:50) *** Enzo Oyanedel Mancilla left the chat ***

they knew that I had a vps server and that this was my master account, because it was sending to copy the other accounts that I had in mt4, they froze my operations panel generating failures in the EA and tralingstoops, my operative in case I failed to update the prices nor margin level nor equity, they must return all my money deposited.

share that exness scam.


Private, 1st Class.

I won the case because for that there are the authorities of the cysec, maybe a fine and a fair return of money was going to be more expensive, in short, the good wins and that is happiness because I just needed the money, I want to thank the group to the FPA team and as soon as I arrive, I make my respective donation, as Ceratti says "total thanks - gracias totales" and never give up before the injustices, until the victory always, above those who fight, thank you friends!

El mié., 6 de febrero de 2019 7:37, Exness Support escribió:Estimado Enzo,

Gracias por contactar con el departamento de quejas de Exness.

Por lo que respecta a su problema con la plataforma MT5, nos gustaria comunicarle que nuestros especialistas han sido capaces de encontrar el error técnico que le causó pérdidas.

Por favor, tenga en cuenta que tratamos cada problema en el departamento de quejas muy cuidadosamente, por lo que le informamos que su problema ha sido resuelto y ahora puede ver los precios y las ganancias/pérdidas actualizándose en su terminal.

Mientras tanto, hemos decidido compensarle por las pérdidas que ocurrieron en su cuenta, con un total de 162 USD.

Sentimos mucho habernos retrasado respondiéndole.

SI tiene más preguntas, no dude en contactarnos.

Jordi Verdeguer Cuevas Exness | Support Team E-mail: support@exness.com Phone: +357 25 030 959.

--------------- Original Message --------------- From: Exness Support [support@exness.com] Sent: 06/02/2019 07:54 To: kosmixcore@gmail.com Subject: Re: Exness - MT5 Platform Issue Caso 02533444.

Gracias por contactar con Exness.

Como hemos podido ver en su video, el problema persiste incluso teniendo la VPS de Exness. Por lo tanto, nuestro especialista esta estudiando el caso y le escribiremos los más pronto posible. Mientras tanto, le pedimos cordialmente que se mantenga a la espera, es un proceso costoso. Además, le sugerimos que abra una nueva cuenta y abra una orden pendiente, para ver si asi cambian los precios.

Sentimos todas las molestias que le estamos causando.

Jordi Verdeguer Cuevas Exness | Support Team E-mail: support@exness.com Phone: +357 25 030 959.

--------------- Original Message --------------- From: Oyanedel M. [kosmixcore@gmail.com] Sent: 06/02/2019 12:00 To: support@exness.com Subject: Re: Exness - MT5 Platform Issue Caso 02533444.

Estimados De no dar respuesta en 24 HRS, procederé a reclamar ante autoridades de Cysec, informándole del caso en donde uds no hicieron nada para ayudarme en un problema generado por sus sistemas, exijo todos los depósitos comprometidos de vuelta, por favor.

Qué se entienda que no dejaré de perseverar en reclamar hasta tener todo el dinero depositado de vuelta, y estos reclamos darán a una obligación de parte de uds y posibles multas de parte de Cysec, ha sido pésima la atencion al caso sin ningún respuesta, dando un caso omiso, realmente pésimo.

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