Site finds the best price to buy foreign currencies.
Are you planning your trip outside Brazil and still haven't bought the local currency ? It is the constant exchange rate variations and the high conversion rates that cause doubts and fears when buy dollars . But luckily for confused travelers, a new startup promises lower rates for buyers.
Despite having started in 2023, the Exchange Store is already a reference in the quote comparison market and super reliable to help buying foreign currency at the best price.
segment leader end-to-end (in addition to comparing quotes, it also performs foreign currency purchase transactions) Exchange Store it's the biggest currency comparison platform do Brasil and has around 87 thousand recurring customers.
After joining with Bidollar this year, the company's projection is to move 1 billion reais by the end of 2023. The movement of the two companies together in 2023 has already reached R$125 million.
The startup offers a differentiated service for working with best price on the market , always updating in real time and still using a reservation and delivery system.
It works like this: the customer makes a purchase simulation of the 22 available currencies (dollar, pound, Argentine peso, Japanese yen, etc. ) and after obtaining the best quote , place the order.
Order placed, the website will freeze the currency quote at that moment and the customer will have 1 hour to complete the transaction at the best possible price (via bank transfer, TED). After completing the transaction, the amount of foreign currency can be delivered to the address of choice or collected at different points in São Paulo (Shoppings Cidade Jardim, Eldorado, Metrô Tatuapé…). In addition to São Paulo, Câmbio Store also has pick-up points in Rio de Janeiro, Paraná and Bahia.
THE Exchange Store seeks to be a leader in all market segments. For now, in addition to the variety of paper money, the site also offers prepaid cards for US, Canadian and Australian dollars, Euros and Pounds.
Dica extra para reservar hotéis.
Para encontrar inúmeras opções de acomodação e reservar hotéis e pousadas com os melhores preços, utilizamos o - disponível em milhares de destinos.
Passagens aéreas mais baratas.
Para economizar com voos, consultamos primeiro as passagens aéreas na MaxMilhas, - quase sempre encontramos os melhores preços tanto no Brasil quanto no exterior. As passagens podem ser emitidas mesmo para quem não tem milhas aéreas.
Outras dicas úteis.
Encontre informações úteis sobre os best destinations do mundo, com guias de viagens especializados sobre diferentes places to visit in Brazil e no exterior. São milhares de travel tips com sugestões de onde ir na sua viagem, recomendação de hotels, notícias atualizadas e muito mais.
Precisa de um carro na sua viagem? Encontre aluguel de carro na Rentcars e cote modelos diferentes podendo ser parcelado em até 10x. Já para passeios e ingressos antecipados, fechamos tudo sempre pela Get Your Guide.
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